helping you become purposeful, powerful, ready, valuable

Find what you love, do it now with no confusions.

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Our Pitch

"High school is almost over. It’s like we’re in a race and we’re so close to the finish line. We look our left, then right, and realise we’re exactly where everyone else is. We need a boost, a way to stand out, Meet Labyrinth, the way to find your passion in one easy click. Using Labyrinth can help you find what you truly love to do, and help you to improve your resume."

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Benefits of Labyrinth

Sending applications to college start senior year but the journey to these applications start the minute students join high school. A resume not only shows the experience of an applicant but also tells a story. Labyrinth is a tool that helps students find what they love with extracurricular activities. Students can now save time with this tool and organizations will also find a tool to promote their activities. Labyrinth is the connection between organizations and students and we hope to deliver the best. Now students will have a stronger resume eventually leading to stronger applications